قابل الفريق في مركز غراج للاستشارات

ديان جراج كاستور ، LMHC
مؤسس + مشرف إكلينيكي
ديان هي معالج نفسي غير قضائي ورحيم ومختص ثقافيًا ويستخدم أساليب علاجية انتقائية تشمل المقابلات الديناميكية النفسية والسلوكية المعرفية والتحفيزية والاستراتيجيات التي تركز على الحلول والعلاج المتمحور حول العميل. تتخصص ديان في علاج الأفراد الذين تتراوح أعمارهم بين الطفولة والبلوغ وكذلك الأزواج. تعمل مع الأفراد الذين يعانون من الاكتئاب والقلق والصدمات وضغوط العلاقات والمشكلات السلوكية بالإضافة إلى صعوبات أخرى. تعزز Dianne بيئة آمنة ومرحبة تمنح العملاء المساحة التي يحتاجونها لمناقشة تحدياتهم بصراحة. تعتقد ديان أن العلاج هو نهج تعاوني توجه فيه العملاء نحو أهدافهم المحددة.

كاثرين إستيفيز ، LMHC
مشرف سريري
تتضمن خلفيتي التعليمية درجة البكالوريوس في التنمية البشرية من جامعة SUNY Binghamton وماجستير في استشارات الصحة العقلية من جامعة SUNY Albany. بدأت مسيرتي المهنية في عام 2015 كمستشار إدمان. الاستشارة هي المقطع لمساعدة عملائي على تعلم حلول لمشاكلهم. من خلال نهج تفاعلي ودافئ وقبول ، كنت أساعد العملاء في العثور على تصورات صحية لأنفسهم. لا يوجد نهج واحد هو النهج المناسب للجميع ، ولذا فقد تم تدريبي على مجموعة من الأساليب بما في ذلك المقابلات التحفيزية ، والعلاج السلوكي المعرفي ، و REBT من بين العديد من الأساليب الأخرى.

Trinace Sass, LMHC
My goal is to empower my clients and help them work towards becoming a more confident and healthier version of themselves. I offer compassionate and judgement free support where clients are the center of their healing. I have extensive experience working with adolescent and adults with Anxiety, Depression and Addiction. My practice also includes working with individuals who have health concerns, family conflict and relational issues. The modalities I specialize in are Motivational Interviewing, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Person Centered Therapy. As your therapist, I will help you to explore and implement coping skills needed to obtain your goals.

Natalie Schettini, LMHC
Through my time as a research assistant aiding to conduct studies on the effects of racial discrimination, I became motivated to be a direct support for those in need of mental health resources. As a child of Black immigrants, I believe in the importance of being able to provide clients with a counselor who is culturally sensitive. I make it my primary mission to foster a warm environment with a client first in order to ensure safety and trust. I promote a safe healing environment for individuals of diverse cultural backgrounds using CBT and Psychodynamic Therapy. We will work on creating your best self by learning triggers, accepting the past, and incorporating coping skills in order to overcome emotional distress. I have experience counseling teenagers, young and middle-aged adults. I have helped clients manage their anxiety, depression, self-esteem issues, relationship conflict, and other life stressors.

إليز فوكس ، MHC-LP
معالج نفسي
إليز طبيبة علاجية منفتحة ومتعاطفة ودافئة القلب. تركز إليز على طرح أسئلة مفتوحة للسماح لك بقيادة جلستك ، ولتكييف كل خطة علاجية بشكل أفضل مع الفرد. إنها تركز على تقنيات الذهن هنا والآن. العلاج السلوكي المعرفي؛ والعلاج الإنساني. ستوفر لك Elyse مساحة دافئة وجذابة لاستكشاف تحديات حياتك وفهم مواقفك الحالية. إنها مستمع دقيق يساعدك على فهم نفسك بشكل أفضل وكيفية تحمل الأفكار المسببة للتوتر. حصلت إليز على درجة الماجستير في استشارات الصحة العقلية وماجستير في علم النفس الشرعي من كلية جون جاي للعدالة الجنائية. عملت في مرافق المرضى الداخليين ، والبيئات المجتمعية ، وقدمت استشارات جماعية وفردية. ركزت أحدث أعمالها على مساعدة الأفراد في الأزمات والعمل مع الأفراد المسجونين الذين يعانون من مرض عقلي حاد.

Breanna Hira, MHC-LP
Breanna graduated with her Master of Science in Mental Health Counseling in 2021 from SUNY Brockport. Breanna has extensive experience working with individuals, couples and groups from diverse backgrounds and life experiences. Over the course of her training in community mental health and her time in private practice, she has supported adults of all ages in navigating a wide range of challenges. Her approach is grounded in using the most effective therapeutic techniques, tailored to each client's unique needs. Breanna prioritizes a person-centered approach, which means her clients have control over their treatment process. She believes in the importance of working collaboratively, ensuring that any tools or discussions explored are aligned with what the client finds helpful. While she does not promise that every technique will work for everyone, her role is to educate, encourage, and support clients in exploring new strategies, with the understanding that what works for one person may not be suitable for another. Breanna’s area of specialization is Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), but she also has experience in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Art Therapy, Gottman Couples Counseling, Motivational Interviewing, and Somatic Therapy. Breanna is currently running an ongoing DBT group.

Sheriese Sanchez, MHC-LP
Sheriese’s mission is to serve as a dedicated resource for those struggling with personal conflict and emotional distress. Although she utilizes a multimodality approach, her passion, and empathy are reflected in her unbiased person-centered approach. Through her life experiences, she has learned to reach people where they are—empowering them emotionally, triggering self-awareness, and facilitating a personal growth process that fosters clarity of mind and healing. Sheriese areas of expertise include addiction recovery, emotional intelligence, and spiritual well-being. Sheriese has a BS in Behavioral Science, a MA in Mental Health Counseling, and an Executive Certificate in advanced research Psychology. Sheriese is being supervised by Katherine Estevez.

Diana Talavera-Garofalo, MHC-LP
Diana is a mental health counselor who received a MSEd master's degree in mental health counseling and BA in psychology from Hunter College. Diana’s clinical experience includes working with individuals from various backgrounds and cultures dealing with anxiety, depression, self esteem, stress, relationship issues, substance use, recovery, life transitions, grief, and trauma. Diana offers an authentic therapeutic style that is compassionate, empathic, respectful, and supportive, a method that provides integrative approaches to counseling which is collaborative and nonjudgmental. Diana’s theoretical orientation includes elements of cognitive behavioral, person centered, psychodynamic therapy, strengths based, trauma focused, and mindfulness strategies. Her goal is to provide clients with a safe and healthy space to explore themselves and gain deeper insight into their emotions, experiences, thoughts, and relationships. During sessions, she will honor her client’s individuality and respond with authenticity and warmth as they embark on their therapeutic journey. Diana is being supervised by Dianne Ghiraj.
Antonette Jones, CMHC-LP, CTP, CGP

With over 20 years of experience in the mental health field, Antonette brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to her practice. She earned a Bachelor's degree in Forensic Psychology and a Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Southern New Hampshire University. In addition to her formal education, she holds a certificate in Medical Neuroscience and is a Certified Grief Professional (CGP) and Certified Trauma Professional (CTP). Throughout her career, she has provided comprehensive mental health and social services to a diverse clientele. Antonette's extensive experience includes individual and group therapy, facilitating psychoeducational groups, conducting clinical assessments, and formulating personalized treatment plans. She is dedicated to fostering a safe and supportive environment for clients, helping them navigate challenges and achieve their therapeutic goals. Her approach is rooted in evidence-based practices, tailored to meet the unique needs of each individual. Committed to professional growth and the well-being of her clients, she continually seeks to expand her knowledge and skills in the ever-evolving field of mental health. Antonette is being supervised by Dianne Ghiraj.

Sohaib Javed, MHC-LP
Sohaib's approach to therapy is providing a space for anyone who wishes to be heard, seen, and respected in a compassionate and non-judgmental manner. He's engaged in individual therapy, family therapy, and group therapy serving children, adolescents, young adults, and geriatric, BIPOC, and LGBTQIA+ identifying clientele. His primary approach is client-centered care in meeting individuals where they are in their healing process, and tailoring their treatment in a manner that is collaborative and inclusive. Sohaib also incorporates other styles such as play-therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, and writing & art focused interventions in treating co-occurring issues related to depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, substance use, addiction, grief, trauma, schizophrenia, and sexual & gender identity exploration. He hopes to become a resource for those looking to be heard and accepted as a human being and not a “patient.” Sohaib is being supervised by Dianne Ghiraj.

Jada Maldonado, MHC-LP
Jada's approach to therapy is compassionate, holistic, and energetic. She earned a Bachelor’s in Human Development and Sociology at SUNY Albany and a Master’s in Mental Health Counseling at Baruch College. Jada draws from different therapeutic modalities to ensure all of her clients’ specific, unique needs are met. She utilizes psychodynamic theory as a framework while integrating aspects of cognitive-behavioral, person-centered, strength-based, feminist, trauma-informed, and dialectical-behavioral theories. She has clinical experience providing individual, family, and group counseling in both private practice and community agency settings. She has assisted these individuals in dealing with complex trauma/PTSD, ADHD, ASD, depression, grief, relationship issues, anxiety disorders, mood disorders, self-esteem issues, family conflict, LGBTQIA+ issues, and life transitions. Through empathy, compassion and empowerment, I work collaboratively with clients on their healing journey in order to help them lead more fulfilling lives. Jada is being supervised by Dianne Ghiraj.

Bonnie Roscinski, MHC-LP
Bonnie believes that it is important to provide comfort and empathy and, with that, emotional ease for individuals looking for therapy. She prioritizes establishing trust and using humor to help facilitate rapport in the sessions to help the client move towards progress and growth. Bonnie utilizes strengths-based, person-centered approaches and a mix of CBT, solution-focused, psychodynamic, attachment theory and others to cater an approach that will move clients towards their goals. She believes that collaboration with the client is important since the client is the biggest expert on their own life and experiences. Bonnie helps by guiding them towards better coping strategies or identify thought processes that are no longer serving them. A safe and trusting therapeutic relationship is essential for genuine growth and progress to occur. This is a priority of Bonnie's and she strives to make every client that she works with feel heard, supported, accepted and empowered. Bonnie is being supervised by Dianne Ghiraj.

Idris Emerick, MHC-I
Idris is a culturally-sensitive, empathetic mental health professional that strives to create a judgement-free space for clients. Idris’ goal is to empower clients to move past cognitive distortions and maladaptive thinking patters to become the best version of themselves. He specializes in person-centered therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and exposure and response prevention. Idris is particularly passionate about helping those with OCD, Anxiety, difficult relationships, and learning differences. Idris possesses a Bachelor’s of Psychology from Queens College where he worked as a counselor and is completing his Master’s in Clinical Mental Health Counseling at Baruch College. Idris is being supervised by Dianne Ghiraj.

Deva Grumet-Bass, MHC-I
Deva is a Master's student in Mental Health Counseling at Baruch College. With experience working with multicultural, POC, and LGBTQIA+ individuals, Deva has provided support to children, adolescents, young adults, and new parents. She is dedicated to supporting individuals who feel "othered" in their environment. Her therapeutic approach incorporates Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Psychoanalytic Therapy, Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (M-CBT), Expressive Arts Therapy, and Play Therapy. In her free time, she enjoys dancing, mindfulness practices, and painting. Deva is being supervised by Dianne Ghiraj.

Thomas Hufendick, MHC-I
Tom is a compassionate, holistic therapist who utilizes eclectic therapeutic methods informed by mindfulness-based practices. Tom’s approach is founded on cultivating a deeper understanding of a client’s unique experiences to foster empowerment and relief. He believes sustained healing comes through honoring the emotional, physical, spiritual, cognitive, and relational aspects of a client’s experience. Tom has experience counseling individuals in community mental health clinics and on crisis hotlines, and is humbled by the courage it takes for clients to reach out and share their stories. He works with a variety of individuals, including those experiencing anxiety, depression, grief, trauma, and stressors related to relationships, work, identity, and purpose. He’s currently completing his Master's in Mental Health Counseling at Baruch College. Tom is being supervised by Dianne Ghiraj.